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 Live solo CD - 'Land of Shadows' on Jazzwerkstatt Label





"The sounds rise up from silence, from a far away place, from a different time, until they land in the present where they begin to glow. Watching Julie Sassoon play, one has the impression that the piano will consume her completely. From hidden depths she unearths the sounds, one by one, she threads them into chains, bundles them up into sound clusters, and lets them slide gently back into silence..."

Bert Noglik - Berlin Jazz Festival Director







"Sassoon’s approach to solo piano – rather like Keith Jarrett’s in Cologne nearly 40 years ago – is to spin mesmerising improvisations from repeated – often relatively simple, even minimalist – note clusters or motifs... readily exploring diversions as they reveal themselves to her along the way...

...thunderous bass notes, ringing churchbell-like passages, the subtlest of ethereal sounds highlighted by her light singing, are all incorporated, entirely naturally, in an improvisational method ...."            



 "... Immersion in her unique soundworld is an affecting experience..."     

Chris Parker - London Jazz News





"...Julie Sassoon's new album - "Land of Shadows" is a release which - in my opinion - more than rivals another solo piano album recorded nearly 40 years ago in Germany ... Keith Jarrett Cologne Concert..." 

Mike Gerber - UK Jazz Radio






"Dieses Piano-Soloalbum ist von flirrender Schönheit..."

                                                                                                  "...a solo piano album of shimmerimng beauty..."


Ulli Steinmetzger - Leipziger Volkszeitung









The 'Land of Shadows' CD launch concert was a great evening - at the 'Institute Francais' in Berlin. Lots of CDs sold!!!

Here's a photos of the evening. 

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